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    'Ta Da' Lists, Empowerment and Birth Stories

    'Ta Da' Lists, Empowerment and Birth Stories

    As you know, I'm not one for attending events. Despite what people think, I always feel a little awkward. However, the "We Got This Sometimes" ladies Lydia and Sophie have really got it sussed when it comes to planning events that feel welcoming, safe and secure, where you feel like you can ask anything without being considered a prize prat 😬

    This was second event I had attended with them and I knew I had to go along when I heard Gemma Metcalfer-Beckersfrom Mutha.Hood was going to be on a panel (I use the word loosely because it was a rather comfy looking sofa) along with Holly De Cruz, author of 'Your Baby, Your Birth'.

    Holly spoke about how she became a practitioner (not sure if that is the official description) in hypno birthing accidentally. Her then partner had encouraged her to attend hypno birthing classes after Holly was spending hours on the internet looking up gory birth stories that had gone wrong (the internet can be a dangerous thing sometimes!).

    So Holly went along thinking the class would be full of vegetarians 🥑 and a load of old nonsense (no offence to vegetarians ☺️). Holly was surprised by what she learnt, gained some valuable tools to help her through childbirth and despite having what her midwife described as a traumatic birth Holly's view was different because of the coping mechanisims that the hypno birthing had taught her.

    Holly had been working as a graphic designer in a male dominated environment, I think she mentioned that she was the only female in an office of 13. When she asked to go back part time she was offered 4 days in the office and one day from home 🙄. So after declining their offer Holly embarked on her hypno birthing course, one thing led to another and now she is in major demand for parents to be to attend her course, she also employs others to run her courses and wrote a book!! Phew! Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that Holly is also about to give birth again in 4 weeks. 

    And then there is Gemma 💜. For those of you who don't know Gemma has created the amazing community and brand, Mutha.Hood. Her empowering Strong Girls Club T shirts are loved by women the world over. You may have seen Rebecca Humphries (below) wearing one following the break up with Sean Walsh (Strictly Come Dancing) this week.

    📷: Grazia

    One of the (many) reasons that I love Gemma, apart from her brilliantly honest and funny Insta Stories are her collaborations. If you haven't read "Ask Me His Name: Learning to live and laugh again after the loss of my baby" by Elle Wright (otherwise know as Feathering The Empty Nest on instagram then I would highly recommend. Elle's honest and open account of what it's like to lose a baby is a highly emotionally charged read. 

    To celebrate the launch of Elle's book, Mutha.Hood launched this limited edition Stong Girls Club T Shirt to support the work of Tommy's with £5 from every sale going towards the work and research that they do. And as of 10th October have raised a whopping £7515 🙌🏻

    📷: Mutha.Hood

    I loved hearing Holly and Gemma's stories of how they started their businesses, embarrassing parenting moments and business tips. I am going to be scrapping my 'TO DO' list thanks to Holly and will replace it with a 'Ta Da' list. In other words a list of all the things I have achieved today:

    ✅ Dancing lesson with my husband Jeff 💃🕺🏻(I have shared on our Insta Stories)

    Replied to an email about a future competition collaboration

    Spent 2 hours on a Live Chat with Facebook because we had a technical problem with Instagram and Facebook (hoping it will now be resolved 🤞🏻)

    Had a telephone call with Facebook

    ✅ Dropped a order back off at the Post Office 📮 because customer had entered the incorrect address when ordering (happens more often than you think)

    Posted our Product of The Week on Instagram

    ✅ Picked up my daugher from school to take her to athletics (only to be advised that she was sick and coming home 🙄)

    Sent some follow up emails from the 'We Got This Event'

    Wrote a blog post! Third week in a row. Woo hoo 🎉

    What's on your 'Ta Da' list today? Have a go at doing one. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!

    Love Fran  


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