Let me introduce myself, I'm Gemma a mum of 3 Hana, Mollie and Jack. I run a Instagram account for my kids @jacklongbottom2017.
We were very lucky to be gifted 4 x Personalised Name Stamps, 1 x Stamptastic Ink Pad and 1 x White Fabric Pen from Stamptastic. Going online we sat as a family and the girls designed their own personalised stamps, this was quick, easy and fun for all of us.
Step 1 - Pick if you would like text over 1 or 2 lines, and type in name.
Step 2 - Pick between 8 different fonts, 7 different sizes of fonts.
If choosing 2 line stamp you can use different fonts and sizes on both lines.
Step 3 - You can add icons to the left, right or both sides of your text.
There is 9 different themes of icons to choose from. With a range of different icons in each theme.
i.e Animal has 17 icons to choose from
Nature has 9 different flower icons
Transport has 11 different icons
We started with Hana who is 11 years old, Hana was able to use the computer and design her own Customised Stamp, she went for a heart with a arrow icon sign.
Mollie is 9, she has dyslexia so needed a little help from Hana to read the steps for her, but Mollie was able to put her own name in and choose the font and size she was wanting, She loved the idea of picking a icon for her own personalised rubber stamp, she went for a lolly pop.
Jack isn't 2 yet, so Hana done his for him, but he did sit on her knee and he picked his icon, being transport daft, she went straight to transport theme, and when he saw the rocket, that was his mind made up he was shouting that one, rocket.
For our 4th stamp we went with our family name 'Longbottom'.
The order was so quick and easy to do, we were done within 5 minutes. We made out order on the Tuesday morning, it was posted on the Wednesday and was delivered on the Saturday.
Before even receiving our parcel the girls were so excited, they had planned what they were going to test the stamps on first. We decided to go for quick to get to items - pencils, pencil case, school bags, rulers and even rubbers. We tried different plastic items in the school bag and even done a wipe test with a baby wipe to see if it would stay, smudge or wipe of a little, but we were so happy when they stayed on perfectly. Then moving on to school uniforms, polo shirts, blouses, skirts all with the stamp on the labels. We decided to try out the white fabric pen on the girls school tights just putting a H and M on them so it is easier for them to grab from their shared school draw. We have washed the tights an the pen has stayed on perfect.
Which brings me on to my amazing idea for two girls close in age that share a bedroom. I must spend around half an hour to a hour a week sorting out the girls underwear, this is time I could be doing other things around the house or even just sitting down with a cuppa. So stamping all the labels on the pants is going to save me so much time trying to guess who's is who's and looking at labels for the washed out sizes. I did go out and buy all new pants for both girls to start a fresh. I just binned the rest, they really did need new fresh ones anyway. Gave them all a quick wash and then the girls spent 5 minutes stamping them all. The stamps will last up to 50 washes, so will just re stamp as they start to fade. But this will really cut down the sorting out time. I can even leave it for the girls to do after school and know it will be done right.

Hana is off on her p7 school trip in May, so we have been picking up some bits for the trip here and there. She will be sharing the dorm with 3 other 11 year olds. I can only imaging how excited the girls will be with 4 days away from parents, and with all the excitement the chances of the girls clothes getting mixed up will be quite high. As we have been given a list of items they have to take with them. The stamps really are going to be great for Hana to be more independent and sort her own bag out and clothes for going. Also help her look after her clothes, shoes and bag when she is away. Even if they do get mixed up a little they are going to be so much easier to be identify be returned quicker. I'm sure they will do us and the school proud. I have put a post on the school Facebook group about how amazing these stamps are.
A couple of month after Jack turns two he will be moved up to a bigger class with a lot more children in nursery. Going from a class with 4 to a class with 8, so it is going to be more important for his clothes to have his name on them, iv stamped his shoes, as they do take the, off and use the nurseys welly boots for when they are going out doors to play. I have used the white pen on his coats and inside of his hats. The pen is also easy to use keep the lid on and shake the pen up and down a few time.
No more ironing on labels and burning you fingers if you are anything like me, or writing on tags what just wash off so quick. Us as a family all highly recommend stamptastic stamps. To be honest I've only tried the stamps a few times myself the girls have took over and do it themselves. Actually they have became a little addicted in finding new stuff to stamp. It is making them more responsible for looking after their stuff. Thank you very much stamptastic.